This project constitutes the very first opportunity for FRAIM to integrate academic expertise from members of the academic WRR consortium with innovation expertise from fieldlab RoboHouse, in a real-world work context. The project is part of WP1 of the Brightsky programme, funded through RVO and running from 2022-2025. Additionally, the Cognitive Robotics department of TU Delft’s Mechanical Engineering faculty strategically invested in this collaboration. On this project we hired the following team:

  • a PhD candidate in physical human-robot interaction (Nicky Mol) 

  • a postdoctoral researcher in speculative design (Dr. Alessandro Ianiello)

  • a senior researcher in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (Dr. Deborah Forster) 

  • innovation engineer (24 months) at RoboHouse 

  • innovation supervision by Eva Verhoef (RoboHouse/FRAIM) 

  • academic supervision from prof. David Abbink (FRAIM), Dr. Luka Peternel, Dr. Micah Prendergast

Vital to the collaboration and its progress are the interest and openness of KLM engine repair services to start experimenting with transdisciplinary approaches to exploring robotics for their work processes. This also proved a fertile ground for engaging the large WRR consortium: starting with a site visit in spring 2022 and a first robotic co-creation visit in fall 2022. 

Project goal and activities

The craftsmanship of maintenance workers who repair engines is key to their work processes, and our roboticist researchers quickly saw these couldn’t be fully automated. Therefore, our research and innovation activities focus on robot-assisted work that poses innovation challenges, academic challenges in speculative design, co-creation practices, and designing algorithms and roles for physical human-robot collaboration, towards improved productivity, ergonomics, and workplace attractiveness. 

One of the key use-case tasks we focus on is the blending surfaces of jet engine fan blades, which is an essential part of the repair & maintenance process. The fan blade mechanics of KLM are experts in their field, but the work takes its toll physically. 


Key activities and output 2022

  • March WRR visit (march 2022)

  • Shadowing visits, creation HRI prototype for co-creation visit (june 2022)

  • WRR co-creation visit (october 2022)


Key activities and output 2023

  • Innovation Fair 

  • Robots in Business 2023 @ RoboHouse

Key activities and output 2024

  • Creation KUKA-demo by RoboHouse (Denis)

  • Creation Mechanical JairoBot by RoboHouse (Auke)

  • ICRA 40 paper (plus link)

  • Experiment Nicky, Micah 

  • User study with KUKA-demo and Mechanical JairoBot by RoboHouse

  • Observation and shadowing at KLM in Feb (Alessandro) 

  • Workshop at KLM in Nov (Alessandro)

  • Multiple demonstrations at events in different sectors by RoboHouse

  • Media attention:

    • Volkskrant (June 2024)

    • RTL item (July 2024)

    • Tijdschrift voor Human-Factors (October 2024)