TNO was founded in 1932 and established by law as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Our goal is to make information accessible to businesses and governments. As an organisation governed by public law, we maintain an independent position. 

TNO’s mission is to generate innovative solutions with demonstrable impact to achieve a safe, healthy, sustainable, and digital society and boost the earning power of the Netherlands. We aim to achieve this by performing two core tasks (roles). The first is to support the Dutch government in carrying out statutory government tasks in the public interest. TNO’s second core task is to strengthen the earning power of the Dutch economy and increase employment.

TNO’s contribution to R&D Mobility fund

  • Smart MRO (WP1)

    The development of an innovative ultrasonic inspection method to facilitate fast and contactless in-service Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of aircraft Airframe parts and structures.

    The development of an automated 3D scanning, reconstruction and model based comparison for in-service inspection of aircraft Engine parts, to facilitate integration with robotised repair of these parts.

  • Smart Operations (WP3)

    Facilitate the governance and control of the logistics process in single and multiple fleets. What is the best way to organize the management of this process: centrally, decentrally or a combination of these?

    The operational scenarios faced by a vehicle operating in mixed traffic within the airside are identified. The hazards and risks are detailed, and potential safety and technological requirements are identified and validated using simulation.