Work package 3: Smart Autonomous Airside

Work Package 3 (WP3 – Smart Autonomous Airside) aims to develop an airport system that systematically makes the coordination and control of airport sub-systems more sustainable and digitised, including the autonomous handling of baggage to and from the aircraft. This can significantly improve the efficiency of ground operations at airports.

Three tasks

Within WP3, three main tasks have been defined.

  1. Defining, specifying, developing and validating the tactical prioritisation for multi-fleet logistics and its governance system. The end result will consist of a detailed process description – including a flowchart and a system definition – of how to arrive at the most optimal selected prioritisation based on defined KPIs.

  2. Defining, specifying, developing and validating the control of a secure automated baggage handling process. The end result will consist of an emulation environment in which operational scenarios can be simulated and visualised in such a way that a realistic picture is obtained of relevant processes and systems. In this way, the system control is (at least in part) realised by its control components. However, other elements from reality are replaced by models or simulated components.

  3. Defining and specifying a smart and sustainable operation for baggage loading and unloading of loose loaded aircraft. The end result consists of a proof of concept for redesigning the process for ground handlers using automation at the aircraft stand to make loading and unloading of bulk baggage safe, ergonomic, simple and fast.

Trials with an autonomous baggage tug at a Japanese airport

Partners work package 3